Theory of Apostate in the light of different school of thoughts in Islamic Jurisprudence

Theory of Apostate in the light of different school of thoughts in Islamic Jurisprudence


  • Dr.Syed Naeem Badshah Associate Professor, The University of Agriculture KPK, Pakistan
  • Dr.Hafiz Hifazatullah Assistant Professor, Islamia College, Peshawar


jurispudence, apostate, kufar, deferments school of thoughts, multi-dimensional


Abstract: To give up Islam after having accepted it and to convert to any other religion is called apostasy or Irtidad. According to Imam Asfahani 

Wa howa al rajoe min alislam ومو الرجوع من الإسلام إلى الكفر .apostasy mean 

ila al kufar". Translation: Apostasy means to convert from Islam to non Islam or infidelity. Apostasy includes two things. Either one openly gives up Islam and declares himself as non -Muslim or he may not openly become a non-Muslim but deny certain obligations of Islam. Accepting something and denying other obligations and compulsions like paying alms or offering five prayers a day etc. Similarly, not believing in the end of the prophet hood or coming up with a totally different interpretation regarding it is also considered apostasy. There is consensus among the whole Muslim Ummah regarding the punishment of an apostasy with difference on the extent to which it is applicable and different conditions of it. The current paper discusses the detail of the apostasy, its variant form, extent of its punishment and other relevant points regarding the topic.



How to Cite

Dr.Syed Naeem Badshah, & Dr.Hafiz Hifazatullah. (2015). Theory of Apostate in the light of different school of thoughts in Islamic Jurisprudence : Theory of Apostate in the light of different school of thoughts in Islamic Jurisprudence . Al-Azhār, 1(01), 18–26. Retrieved from


