تفرد ِراوی اور إمام أبو حاتم كا منہج كتاب العلل كا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Approach of Imam Abu Hatim towards Exclusive Narrator "Tafarrud-e-Ravi" (An analytical study of Kitab-ul ‘Ilal)
"Tafarrud" called singularity or exclusive narrator and dealt as immensely sensitive area in the study of ‘ilal (Cause and Reason).
Therefore, it requires a great attention and utmost care must be taken. Ultimately, observing illat or cause in these kinds of narrations become challenging. The Muslim Jurists differences in addressing the area of Tafarrud-e-Ravi (Exclusive Narrator) reveals that it is the toughest subject to understand. The Muslim Scholars and Muhadditheen have higher proportion of divergence in opinion towards Absolute Narrator (Tafarrud-e-Mutlaq) than Relative Narrator (Tafarrud-e-Nisbi). The Muslim Scholars and Muhadditheen have adopted distinguished approaches and methodologies attempting to determine the reliability and authenticity of the Narrator of a Hadith.
In this research work we will try to examine and consider the approach and methodology of Imam Abu Hatim towards "Tafarrud-e-Ravi" Exclusive Narrator and how does he look to all this and draw the conclusion.