آزاد کشمیر  میں اردو حمدیہ ا و رنعتیہ شاعری میں تخلیقی تنوع: ایک مطالعہ

Creative diversity in Urdu hymns and Naat in Azad Kashmir: a study


  • Dr.Muhammad Yousaf Head, Department of Urdu University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffraba
  • Dr.Ambreen Khawja Assistant Professor, Department of Kashmir Study University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad
  • Syed saqib Ali kazmi M.phil scholar, Department of Urdu University of Azad Jamm




Artistic, Zeal, Maturity, Elegance, Devotion, Affection, Hymn, naat, poem, ghazal, sonnet, qataat, rubhi, masdas, makhmas, sonnet.


 The poets of Azad Kashmir seem to be full of colors. In their hymns, the feelings and sentiments of devotion and love are seen in almost all the usual forms. It is included in Azad Nazm, Qasida, Qata, Ruba'i, Haiku, and other forms.  The poets of Azad Jammu and Kashmir have also presented gifts of devotion. They have earned rewards by narrating the topics of Hamdia and Natia in different creative manners like hymns, naat, poems, ghazal, sonnets, etc. The poets of Azad Kashmir have showered affection and devotion on almost all the popular forms. This creative expression of theirs is admirable.  Praise and Naat in different forms indicate the artistic zeal of the creative journey. They have adopted a unique style of speech, so it can be termed as the lands of the great Urdu poets.  In some places they have spoken in the style of the present and others they have adopted the style of Iqbal; giving an important place in poetry. Poets have created poems with artistic maturity and elegance by using all the poetic resources with beautiful words in different ways, which are reflected in their hymns.




How to Cite

Dr.Muhammad Yousaf, Dr.Ambreen Khawja, & Syed saqib Ali kazmi. (2024). آزاد کشمیر  میں اردو حمدیہ ا و رنعتیہ شاعری میں تخلیقی تنوع: ایک مطالعہ: Creative diversity in Urdu hymns and Naat in Azad Kashmir: a study. Al-Azhār, 10(01), 30–48. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12297780