A Research Based Study of the Contribution of Hanfi Juristis of Lahore (1974- 2015)
The role of the jurists in the spreading of knowledge in Punjab is precious and unforgettable, which not only influenced the views, beliefs and the role of the people but also attracted many important personalities. The scholars, through their academic and practical education, played an important role in the intellectual construction of the enlightened society.
In the context of the present Pakistani society, it is very important to introduce a new generation to these individuals and to bring them their academic services so that they can take a light from the lives of these scholars in the field of research and in their practical life. For this purpose, the laid article has been written down.
How to Cite
Iqbal, F. ., ullah, M. I. ., & Akbar, J. . (2021). A Research Based Study of the Contribution of Hanfi Juristis of Lahore (1974- 2015). Al-Azhār, 6(1). Retrieved from https://www.al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/20