ریاستِ مدینہ اور ہمارا الیکٹرانک میڈیا


  • Samina Anjum PhD Scholar ,Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Dr.Sajila Kausar Assistant Professor, Dept of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
  • Dr.Shakeela Kousar Lecturer IBMAS,The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.


Media, inculcate, culture, Madinah, ideological


Media, in any nation is always considered Protector of its ideology, representative of its culture and developer of its values. So, in our motherland this power should be used to solve problems, to inculcate positive thinking in the society, to create awareness and to promote love for Islamic values ​​and traditions. The Issues in our society such as inferiority complex, religious hatred, terrorism and sectarianism can be largely overcome in the Islamic society through the media. Similarly, the media, being a pillar of the state, should be the guarantor to strengthen the ideology of the state. The media of all the developed countries of the world are based on the ideology of their state. The media has no separate rules of its own, nor is it so liberal to stand up against the ideologies that are the foundation of this state in an ideological country. And fight in the field of civilization. Pakistan is not only an ideological state but also the only Muslim nuclear power of the present era; here the question arises as to whether an ideological state like Pakistan, which we want to see established in the style of the state of Madinah, is protecting its ideologies and high values. Are our TV programs, dramas and other entertainment programs promoting our cultural, social and religious values ​​or not? The goal of an Islamic state can only be achieved when all its resources, including the media, are working towards this goal.                                                                           




How to Cite

Samina Anjum, Dr.Sajila Kausar, & Dr.Shakeela Kousar. (2021). ریاستِ مدینہ اور ہمارا الیکٹرانک میڈیا. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 262–285. Retrieved from https://www.al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/263


