The Scholars of Dir & Their Services of Hadith in Arabic Language: An Analyses
Scholars of Dir, Hadith, Arabic Language, ServicesAbstract
The word Dir is derived from Sanskrit language, which means a place of worship or a monastery. The Greek would call Dir as "Goraaye". At some point in the past the word "yaghestᾱn" was used as the name for Dir, Bajaur and Gilgit areas. Dir is comprised of beautiful valleys in the high peaked Hamalyas mountains in the province of Khyber pakhtunkhwa. It was a princely state. It is bounded by Chitral to the northe west, swat to the east, Malakand to the south, Bajaur and Afghanistan to its south west. At the time of independence of Pakistan, the state of Dir was ruled by Nawab shah jehan. Dir was acceded to Pakistan in 1969. It was given the status of district in 1970 and in 1996 itwas devided into two districts ,i.e lower and upper Dir. Dir has produced many renowned personalities in the politcs as well as in the religious field. This article belonges to the religious scholars ('ulamᾱ) of District Dir and their remarkable contributions in the field of Hadith, specially in the Arabic language. Some of these scholars are; Maulana Ghulam Habib, Maulana shaikh Abdul shakoor, shaikh fida Muhammad, Maulana jamil Ahmad, Mauana abdul ghani, Qazi Abdul salam, Shaikh Abdul haleem and Qazi Hazrat Mahmood. In this research paper introduction of the Ulamᾱ-e-Dir and their services of Hadith in Arabic language have been mentioned which will help inculcate the readers their outlook and will be an advantageous adition to the research endeavors.