حكم أخذ الأجر على الجاه الفردي في الشريعة الإسلا مية
Ruling of Islamic Sharia regarding Charging for personal Goodwill
Shari’ah rules،, Islamic jurisprudence, Personal Goodwill, obligatory dutyAbstract
The Islamic legal system organizes human life in all dimensions, individual, social and economic etc. Hence Knowing Shari’ah rules are obligatory duty upon every Muslim, because one is commanded to undertake all his actions according to the Islamic rules.
To legalize and control human desire for assets, Islamic jurisprudence identifies two basic ways of asset acquisition; acquisition through trade and acquisition through labour.
However, the economic resources for acquiring benefit are diversified in modern financial markets and institutions. Goodwill is one of the inputs these days, and is defined as the portion of the value which lies above and beyond the value of definable real assets.
Goodwill is of two types: personal Goodwill associated with an individual and entity Goodwill related to a business. Personal goodwill relates to the ability, skills, experience, contacts and reputation of the individuals.
This paper aims to discuss the Personal Goodwill Reward in Shari’ah perspective.