ثلاثيات امام بخاری اور اس سے مستنبط مسائل کا ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

An analysis if Sulasiaat e Imam Bukhari and the consequent derviations of it


  • Muhammad Asim M.Phil Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Agriculture University Peshawar
  • Dr. Syed Naeem Badshah Chairman Agriculture University Peshawar


UTINSILS, Sulasiyaat, imam bukhari, ahadees, fasting of Aushura


Abstract Sulasiyaat of imam bukhari and extracted of solution of problem (A research analysis)imam bukhari needs no introduction. He has been an 

authority of high class. His book sahih-ul-bukhari is considered. The correct book next to holy quran. Like (exegesis of Quran his sahih Bukhari has also been commentated and explained in every age and time and that is the symbol of popularity andand authority. He has selected some ahadees out of sixty lac (60 Lac) ahadees and this relection is known as sahih Bukhari. He has scrutinize there ahadess on the criteria of) He has included there ahadess after scrutinizing these ahadees under specific conditions out there sulasyat had prominent position. (Sulasyat means that a hadees where three chain between imam Bukhari and Holy Prophet (PBUH) there are twenty (22) is number. Muhadoseen a extracted so many salutation of problems in this article we have attempt to include some of such problems Directives about sutra timing duration length of maghrib prayer, fasting of Aushura (9, 10 Muhram) Directives about sponsorship Directives about Qisas.....Deyat and Jihad, Directive about eating in UTINSILS of non-Muslims and Directives about Qurbani Sacrifice).



How to Cite

Muhammad Asim, & Dr. Syed Naeem Badshah. (2016). ثلاثيات امام بخاری اور اس سے مستنبط مسائل کا ایک تحقیقی جائزہ: An analysis if Sulasiaat e Imam Bukhari and the consequent derviations of it. Al-Azhār, 2(01), 74–90. Retrieved from https://www.al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/377


