شفاعت رسول اکرم ﷺ کا تحقیقی جائزہ "تفسیر مظہری" کے حوالے سے
An analytical analysis of the Recommendation of the Holy Prophet PBUH with reference to Tafsìr e Mazhari
right path،, forgiveness and blessings،, Quran،, Hadìth،, punishment،Abstract
All the praises be to Allah Who kept us away from all the bonds of segregation and granted us the privilege to be on the right path. Allah also promised us forgiveness and blessings. We were kept safe from these baseless assumptions. Muslims will be destined to Hell for good who commit Gunah e Kabera or such other Gunah e Kabìra like murder, oppression usury and adultery will not be liable to punishment by Allah. Nevertheless we have a strong faith that those whos e hearts bear a fraction of Emán will be taken out of Hell by the grace of Allah and recommendation of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Therefore, the recommendations of our Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW will extend to both the one having committed Gunah e Kabìra and also the one who has devoted his life to Kalma in letter and spirit. This recommendation is proved from Quran and Hadìth and this is called Maqam e Mehmōd where our Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW will do recommendations for his followers. In this article we will discuss in detail the recommendations of our Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW in the light of Quran and Hadìth.