Financial and Social Rights of Old People in Islam and Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea: A critical analysis


  • Dr. Mustanir Assistant Professor ,Dapartment of English, Hazarah University Mansehra
  • Hafiz Javed ur Rehman The University of Agriculture, Peshawar


The Old Man and the Sea by Earnest Hemingway is the story of an aged and seasonal fisherman who struggles to catch a fish for 84 days. He is leading a life depression and despair but is forced to struggle for his livelihood no matter how old and weak he is. It is the social order of his society in which he is living. On the other hand, Islam is a religion which offers especial esteem and status to old person. Islam offers unique and unmatched value to old age and lays responsibility of financial support on the younger ones. Had the hero of the novel been offered financial support, he would have not suffered the fate and difficulties he has been through. The current article critically analyzes the novel and its hero under the light of Islamic teaching of finance and social rights of old people.



How to Cite

Ahmad, M., & ur Rehman, H. J. (2015). Financial and Social Rights of Old People in Islam and Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea: A critical analysis. Al-Azhār, 1(2.2), 128–139. Retrieved from