" ہمم بیگ" کے کردار کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
“Humam Baig”: An Analysis of Characterization
Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi, Character, Inferiority and Superiority complex, Marriage (Nikah), Business.Abstract
Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi held a high position in Urdu literature. He was a progressive writer. Like every great fiction writer, he narrates every evil & good around him. Whenever he saw oppression, injustice, exploitation, and hypocrisy, he describes them in his stories. His has a keen observation and study of rural and urban life. Under the influence of Marx and Freud, he peeked into a person’s inner self and expresses his inner most feelings and emotions. There is a character in his fictional writing “Humem Baig”, who has a short stature. Due to which he suffers from inferiority complex. Due to this inferiority complex he is refusing to get married. On the other hand due to this complex he becomes a big businessman. In this article, the psychological impact of these two unique characteristics of Humem Baig’s character are discussed.