Children Heath Security and Financial Implications of Polio virus in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: Islamic Perspective


  • Dr. Amir Ullah Khan Assistant Professor at Department of Political Science, Islamia College, Peshawar, KP
  • Muhammad Abdul Haq Lecturer at Department of Islamic Studies &Religious Affairss, University of Malakand


Disease in the 21st century is no more the prerogative of a state. It is no more a national currency. It has become a global issue. It has no borders in the modern times due fast technological development and global village concept. Simply, health security is now global health security. The intelligentsia has realized the devastative impact of diseases particularly in the developing countries. Various institutions have been established and various regulations have been formulated to ensure a healthy society free from diseases caused either by virus, bacteria or any other pathogen. However, Polio virus posed a severe threat particularly in terrorism and militancyaffected areas both in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This prevailing militant culture helps to spring out associated issues which have directly affected the health governance and health of the children in these countries. In addition to this, the parental refusal to vaccinate their kids against the viral disease of polio has further exacerbated the health security of the children in various parts of the country. Islam obligates the health security of the children against all sorts of diseases so as to create a healthy society. The intentional refusal of the guardians to vaccinate their children against polio virus leads not only to the violation of Islamic health security injunctions, but it has serious financial ramifications for the family particular and society generally which is against the Islamic principles. Legal and institutional approaches are needed to address this alarming issue so as to make the country polio free.




How to Cite

Dr. Amir Ullah Khan, & Muhammad Abdul Haq. (2015). Children Heath Security and Financial Implications of Polio virus in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: Islamic Perspective. Al-Azhār, 1(2.2), 36–66. Retrieved from